HEPA Filters: All You Need To Know

HEPA, short for High Efficiency Particulate Air, is the type of filter which can trap up to 99.97 percent of particles that might be harmful. Along with the car and factory smoke, there are other constituents of air pollution which include dust mites, pollen, mold spores and pet dander. These particles are present inside your home and can be cause for different  allergies and asthma due to which buying HEPA filter becomes a necessity.

HEPA is a kind of mechanical air filter in which air is forced through a fine mesh which traps all the harmful particles such as the tobacco smoke, dust mites, pollen and pet dander. The twisted interlaced glass fibers of the filter help in the cleaning of the passing air.

This kind of filter is found in most air purifiers today. The amount of the air that each one can filter depends on its size and do ensure you choose the high efficiency particulate arrestance HEPA filters which is big enough for your room. The bedroom happens to be the most ideal room for you to install this filter.

The harmful particles in your home are not only present in the air but also in your bedding, drapes and rugs. Some might even be resting on counter tops and tabletops. Regular vacuum cleaning, changing bedding frequently, replacing carpets with wood or tile flooring are other ways to do away with these particles and stay safe.

It is important to get rid of the source of the allergens and irritants in order to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy and happy. You can find HEPA filters in home improvement stores or you can buy HEPA filter online. It will surely change your air and also impact your health positively.


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