Investing in a HEPA filtration system during the time of a pandemic

With the attention now pointing towards enhancing indoor air quality to prevent the spread of covid-19, a lot of individuals are now asking whether or not they should bet their money (read invest) in HEPA filter or High-Efficiency Particulate Air filter to permit you to open up your business safely.  

HEPA filtration technology has been recommended for quite some time by experts being a major step to enhance the air quality of an indoor environment. Such a system is touted to be standardized at a minimum figure of 99.97 percent efficiency in order to eliminate air particles that are equal to or higher than 0.3 microns in size. While referring again to the indoor air quality, these HEPA filters can easily catch the 5-micron particles that can do considerable (if not, irreparable) damage to the lung’s delicate structures. What this essentially means is that out of a thousand particles that are greater than or equal to 0.3 microns, three particles would get past the filter; that is an incredible feat to achieve. This is exciting news because of the fact that HEPA filters are usually rated for their minimum level of efficiency. The major types of air particles that would get trapped by the filter include things such as mold spores, dander, pet hair, allergens, and pollen, to name a few. 

To conclude this post, one can vouch for the fact that installing a HEPA filter would effectively help collect airborne particles and greatly reduce the spread of coronavirus within the space. Not just covid-19, it would also reduce the risk of many other diseases triggered by harmful air particles. HEPA filtration systems can also reduce the risk associated with various cardiovascular problems.

Consider this informative post and choose the high-efficiency particulate arrestance HEPA filters for your commercial or residential property to improve the surroundings. 


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